Pacific Northwest Ski blog (and a few other places!)

Lots or reports from skiing around the Pacific Northwest, with some East Coast excursions thrown in for good measure

Tag Archives: Snow guns

Ski Season 2013-14 is rolling

In November. In the Eastern USA. Cold weather is creating gun pow blizzards all over New England. We’ll take this new school snow any time, especially when there’s 500+m vert runs to rip down. A brief warm up and rain did a little damage before out first outing at Okemo, but we, and about 7 other people, cared little. Two long groomers, some dirt patches to dodge and skim, and soft snow is all that’s needed on Day One to shake the cobwebs out of the legs. Here’s one of those runs in its full, top-to-bottom and not really terribly exciting glory.

The temperatures dropped quickly overnight, and we awoke at Killington to some unexpected old school snow as well as blazing gun pow machines. And they blazed and blazed, creating blizzard-like skiing at times, and laying some surprisingly decent snow for the small crowds to carve up. Even with limited terrain, there was lots of fun to be had. By the time we left, the legs were loose, the feet nimble, the skis tipping and carving, and we were ready for another ski season. 2013-14 is truly underway. Wooohoooo 😉

The snow gun capacity in this part of the world is truly impressive. Here’s an homage to the Gun Pow Gods and their amazing work at Killington, along with a few clips of the skiing. Not bad for November. Not bad at all.


Okemo: 6,300m

Killington 9,200m, 5700m

3 Days: 21,200m vert